Application Process for Recertifying Your RKC-II By Video Submission
Current RKC-II Instructors have the option of recertifying via video submission, as an alternative to attending a 2- or 3-Day RKC-II certification workshop. On successful completion and approval of the video application, candidates will be awarded RKC Level Two privileges and responsibilities for an additional three-year period.
The fee for the RKC-II Video Recertification is $250.
After registering for the on-line recert, within two business days you will receive a link to your testing form.You will be able to submit the links for your video submissions on this testing form. (See RKC-2 video-recording procedure and submission requirements). You will have 90 days to complete the testing form.
Your videos will be forwarded to a Master RKC who will evaluate and provide feedback on your test. Once you have fulfilled all requirements Dragon Door will send you a certificate of attendance as well as your certification.
You will be able to use your certificate of attendance for applying for CEUs. You will have 2 hours awarded for your CEUs.
Snatch size kettlebells used for all exercises, except the 1 Rep-1 Arm Military Press and Men's Tactical Pull-up. Instructors discretion for kettlebell size for Double Jerks and Bent Press.
- 5 Min Snatch Test
- Re-test the RKC-I technique tests as double kettlebell (except for the snatch and get-up):
- 10 double kettlebell swings
- 5 double kettlebell cleans
- 5 double kettlebell presses
- 5 double kettlebell front squats
- L/R 5 reps snatch (single kettlebell)
- L/R Get-up (single kettlebell)
- One-Arm Military Press: one rep on each side (see press weight classes in procedure guide)
- Tactical Pull-up: (weighted for men, bodyweight for women)
- Pistol: one rep on one side is tested, bodyweight or with kettlebell as a counterweight
- Windmill: 2 reps each side
- Double Jerk: 5 total reps
- Bent Press: 1 rep each side (this is for teaching and review, not pass or fail)
Each requirement will be evaluated according the following standards:
Snatch Test
Snatch test videotaped from the front, full body; the testing instructor must be able to see the top of the snatch and the feet. There must be a complete pause at lockout. The kettlebell weight size must be shown to the camera immediately before recording, with a verbal confirmation of your current weight in pounds. We recommend you do a couple extra reps to make up for any potential "no-counts". Once the recording has started there must not be any editing or stopping of the recording.
Technique Tests
Show kettlebell weight size before beginning.
Provide both a front view and a side view with required reps. You may rest between the sets. Full body throughout all exercises. Get-up can be done at a 3/4 - front angle, once each side.
Your testing instructor will contact you once they have viewed and evaluated your test. They will provide you with feedback and you will get a copy of your testing forms. You may request a phone call to go over any feedback at the discretion of the testing instructor. A live Skype test may also be used instead of sending in a video, if that can be set up and agreed to by your testing instructor.
You will not be required to perform the Push-up test or the teaching assessment.
After your successful registration, you will receive a link to your testing form within two business days. You will have 90 days to complete the testing form.
Workshop Code: RKC2RVS
Workshop reference: RKC-II Re-certification by Video 2020